
Docubase is a curated database of the people, projects, and technologies transforming documentary in the digital age.

Our mission is to collect, showcase, and inspire new documentary forms and the tools, processes, and makers behind them.

We believe that documentaries play a vital role in our democracy and culture and that today’s technologies and techniques offer creative possibilities for expression: the promise of new voices, and the reach to new publics.

With any emerging medium comes fresh grammar, new styles, and novel processes. So, too, with webdocs, immersive docs, interactive and participatory docs and all the other names we attribute to these new types of documentaries. Which terms or styles will stick we don’t yet know. But for certain documentary is evolving.

- Docubase is a place of discovery where you can immerse yourself in the playlists and projects; unearth new work, explore new techniques, and find people who are pioneering new storytelling.

- Docubase opens up the digital storytelling process by providing production data about each project, behind-the-scenes materials, interviews, and case studies to demystify the process and encourage participation.

- Docubase is interactive. We invite you to participate and learn from this growing community of digital documentary makers. Comment. Suggest a project or a tag. Write a playlist.

Visit the report projects playlist on docubase