Notes on Blindness

Notes On Blindness: Into Darkness uses new forms of storytelling, gameplay mechanics and VR to explore John’s cognitive and emotional experience of blindness.

Each scene will address a memory, a moment and a specific location from John’s audio diary, using binaural audio and real time 3D animations to create a fully immersive experience in a world ‘beyond sight’.

This interactive experience complements the story world of the feature film, and will form an integral part of our ambitious outreach and engagement programme. Both projects aim to open up a public discourse about blindness, allowing audiences to understand and ‘feel’ their way into that discussion.

Made with Unity, the experience will be released in 2016 on Samsung Gear, Cardboard and Oculus for the VR, and on all IOS and Android devices for the 360° version.

Notes On Blindness : Into Darkness is a VR and interactive experience produced by Ex Nihilo, ARTE France, and the French startup AudioGaming, in co-production with Archer’s Mark. It has been supported by the TFI New Media Fund and Ford Foundation – JustFilms, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée (CNC) and Région Midi-Pyrénées.

2016 | Arnaud Colinart, Amaury Laburthe, Peter Middleton, James Spinney | with Arnaud Desjardins, Béatrice Lartigue, Fabien Togman