Tom Rumes | Professor and Author of “How To Story”

Using Immersive Storytelling Techniques for Traditional Storytelling and Vice Versa


Stories for television, journalism, and cinema typically use a linear structure and consist of a number of well-known building blocks, including inciting incidents, plot points, and obstacles that create scenes. Digital storytelling, which is often interactive, has a disruptive effect on this story structure as many digital and interactive stories do not work with scenes.


In digital storytelling, user interface design and navigation define the story as the story building blocks can be separated from one another and linked to each other in different ways. In linear stories the viewer is passive, but in digital stories the viewer is able to actively participate. In this lecture, Tom Rumes will discuss how to combine the principles of traditional and immersive storytelling for different media formats in order to make them even better.


Tom Rumes is a professor at the Thomas More University College in Belgium. He teaches transmedia and immersive storytelling and is the co-author of How To Story, a book about storytelling for TV journalists. He has also developed innovative projects such as Jail TV and the interactive documentary Brickland.


ODL Lecture Series