Carles Sora is an interdisciplinary scholar whose creative and critical research explores the intersections of technology, audiovisual, culture and arts. He is Director of the Center for Image and Multimedia Technologies (CITM) at UPC-BarcelonaTech.
He has been involved in several research, artistic and theater digital projects which have been exhibited at international conferences and venues. He is Associate Professor at CITM/UPC, PhD in digital media studies by Pompeu Fabra University (2015), Fulbright Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Open Doc Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017-2019) and M.S. in Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media (UPF, 2009). Sora’s PhD dissertation developed a framework on digital time and interactive narratives.
He has contributed in more than 10 competitive research projects, published a book with UOC-Press about digital time in interactive narratives, commissioned a XR exhibition for the Kosmopolis’ festival at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) and was founder of the digital media incubator program Starting Lab, among other merits. He also designed the first applied research Communication doctoral program at UPF.
Sora’s publications include The Material Turn and Interactive Documentary: A Panel. Zenodo, Chasing Real-Time Interaction in New Media: Towards a New Theoretical Approach and Definition. Digital Creativity, Una inmersión en el audiovisual VR y 360, Expanding Temporal and Participative Digital Horizons Through Web Documentaries for Social Change, The Lumières of VR: Opportunities and Risks of Immersive Video, and Temporalidades digitales. Análisis del tiempo en los new media y las narrativas interactivas.
He has recently received a Fulbright grant for a postdoctoral visiting fellow at the MIT Open Documentary Lab, CMS/W.
While at OpenDocLab, Carles has worked on projects including Supporting Change with Immersive Documentaries.