Becoming Schizophrenic:* Affective Storytelling with Generative AI by Sahar Sajadieh

This project is my personal-political journey in the poetic space of creativity in collaboration with artificial intelligence. I use generative AI models for creating audiovisual contents, natural language processing methods for text analysis and synthesis, and interaction design for constructing my interactive artwork. To this end, I am developing performative AI custom applications that would give me more control over the composition, interaction, and narration. I want to push the affective storytelling potential of generative AI to its limits in this new ecosystem of co-imagination, co-inspiration, cooperation, and co-creation between me and my AI. I want to see when responding to an intimate, personal issue related to my existence, my home, my mother, my sisters, when responding to my pain, to their pain, their lives, their freedom, how I can use this technology as my creative toolbox and critical apparatus. 


I want to examine how to use this technology not only as a tool to generate media, but as an extension of my creative being, as my brainstorming partner, as my performative paintbrush of words, colors, motions, and emotions that paints along with me in my process of art-making. Feeling a sense of suffocation when trying to respond with my words, to a hand pressing my throat, to forces from different directions pulling me apart, and an eye that has been watching me since I was born, I want to know how I can cry and sing out loud through my artistic practice with the help of my technological companion.


Learn more about Sahar here.


*Here, I am referring to “Becoming” and “Schizophrenic” as the philosophical terms coined by Deleuze and Guattari in their well-known books, Capitalism and Schizophrenia. “Becoming Schizophrenic” refers to a continual dynamism of change into an intensive form of assemblage, a new rhizomatic structure, an alternative system of signs and relations. It explains the transformative process of creating and experiencing the artwork by the disarrangement of subjectivity and dismantling the boundaries between the artist and the AI as well as the spectator and the work of art. This work is a creative hallucination using AI into a new order of meaning, aesthetics, affect, sensation, and subjectivity.