1/24/23 Media and Methods For Community-Based Archiving Workshop

A graphic with a petroglyph on the left and the Open Documentary Lab's triangular logo on the right. The petroglyph features figures and geometric patterns carved into a rock wall. The text is also copied into the post below.

Media and Methods For Community-Based Archiving

An IAP workshop facilitated by Louis Massiah, Visiting MLK Scholar and director of Scribe Video Center

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 | 1PM – 4PM ET | On campus in E15-314

How can community knowledge and community histories, including images and audio, be archived and encoded in a way that is readable and accessible for generations to come?

Join Louis Massiah, MLK Scholar in Comparative Media Studies/Writing and director of Scribe Video Center, for a workshop discussing physical and technical strategies for place-based archiving that can withstand technological change and community displacement.

The workshop will address archiving, linguistics, coding/decoding, and material sciences intending to develop strategies to create a durable encoding system that can be used in neighborhood settings and rural communities. What would it look like to combine ancient methods for record-keeping, such as petroglyphs, with contemporary and experimental physical media?

For more information, refer to the MIT Events Page or contact the ODL team at opendoclab-contact[at]mit[dot]edu.