09 Jan Heidi Boisvert
Heidi Boisvert is a new media artist, creative technologist, experience designer, researcher and writer. She founded and serves as the CEO and Creative Director of the futurePerfect lab, a boutique creative agency that works with non-profits to develop imaginative applications of integrated media and emerging technology. Heidi was formerly the Media Director at Breakthrough where she designed, developed and promoted a range of viral, new media and pop culture campaigns that helped raise awareness and instigate policy change on pressing social issues. She created the first 3D social change game, ICED I Can End Deportation, to shift the frame around unfair U.S. immigration policies. Heidi also designed America 2049, an alternative reality game on Facebook about pluralism, which was nominated for Games for Change and Katerva awards. Most recently, she co-founded, XTH, an open-source bio-creative technology start up, and was named a Harvestworks Creativity + Technology = Enterprise Fellow as well as a Media Impact Fellow at the Harmony Institute. She received her PhD in Electronic Arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and is currently an Assistant Professor of Emerging Media Technologies at New York City College of Technology (CUNY).