01 Oct Halsey Burgund | Roundware
MIT OpenDocLab Fellow Halsey Burgund is exploring how the techniques and technologies he has developed to create immersive, geo-located audio installations can be adapted by documentary storytellers. Halsey developed and open-sourced the Roundware audio platform which enables him to create his installations, and he will investigate how Roundware might be used to enhance physical spaces with location-based audio content to create self-guided interactive documentary experiences.
Halsey’s work—and hence the Roundware platform—is built at its core on being contributory, resulting in installations that are constantly changing as more and more participants contribute their audio commentary to the landscape in real-time. This functionality could be employed, for example, to create a scenario where the general public could collaborate independently and asynchronously (with or without curatorial oversight) to create a “documentary space” or “story world” which would capture a moment in space/time from multiple points of view, would digitally persist, and then re-present that moment at a later time as present-day participants wander through the same physical space.