16 Jun COME/IN/DOC | Interactive Documentary Features [Part 4]
Here you can access the fourth part of the fourth episode:
[vimeo width=”580″ height=”330″]https://vimeo.com/167402441[/vimeo]
Cindy Poremba (Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning): Interactive documentary does have this explicit engagement on the part of the audience so they can do different things.
Hugues Sweeney (National Film Board of Canada): The first feature is that the public is actively engaged in the experience, making a movement or taking decisions, etc.; the second feature I see is that the traditional point of view of the author can become multiple.
William Uricchio (MIT Open Documentary Lab): Generally speaking, the viewer has something to say in the text, but I think it’s an early moment to define characteristics, although this is a relevant question for the future. Now there are a dozen of interactive forms, from database to linear forms and everything in between, so we need more time to analyse them deeply.
Sandra Gaudenzi (Interactual Factual): Interactivity is for me the main feature: you can interact, play, comment and browse with what I call the ‘interaction modes’. In terms of the platform, the experience could be consumed on the web, mobile device, etc., and may or may not use video. But fundamentally, it comes back to the position of the user as an actor within the story.
Florian Thalhofer (Korsakow): Why did we put things in a linear order? Because of technical needs, films were stored on a reel and it had to be linear. Today computers give us new opportunities, allowing a lot of new narrative forms to grow on the Internet. I think the future of storytelling is one in which the author defines how things come together but he/she does not predefine the users’ experiences.
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Dr. Arnau Gifreu
COME/IN/DOC Director
Research affiliate