Brandi Collins-Dexter, Jane Lytvynenko & Karen Hao | Deepfakes, parody, and disinformation

Not funny anymore: Deepfakes, manipulated media, parody and mis/disinformation


Episode 2 of the Deepfakery series features Brandi Collins-Dexter of the Shorenstein Center, Jane Lytvynenko of BuzzFeed News, and Karen Hao of MIT Technology Review. The panelists talk with Corin Faife of WITNESS about the blurred lines between parody and mis- and disinformation, how the “satire” defense can be exploited, and what counts as fair use when it comes to deepfakes.


Deepfakery is a series of critical conversations exploring the intersection of satire, art, human rights, misinformation/disinformation, and journalism. Join WITNESS and the Co-Creation Studio at MIT Open Documentary Lab for interdisciplinary discussions with leading artists, activists, academics, film-makers and journalists.


Deepfakery Talk Series