5/20/19-5/22/19 La Diablita Robot Workshop

La Diablita Robot Workshop

Monday | May 20th | 9AM-12PM

Tuesday | May 21st | 1:30PM-4:30PM

MIT Open Documentary Lab | E15-318

MIT Campus, Wiesner Building, 20 Ames Street, 3rd Floor, Cambridge MA 02142

This coming week, the Co-Creation Studio at ODL is hosting a Bolivian Quechuan team to workshop their project, LA DIABLITA ROBOT — a Neo-Andean Devil Robot. It is an animatronics puppet with the ability to interact with people and its surroundings through artificial vision, and natural language processing. It is part of a VR and Immersive installation, PRISON X. The concept of the robot is based on Quechuan mythology and masks as well as the social reality of prison culture in contemporary Bolivia.

During their time at MIT, the team — co-creators Violeta Ayala, Camila Claros and supporting team member, engineer Paulo Sanjinez Arnez — will meet with talent from across the MIT community, to develop their devil storyworld, as well as the robot technology. Based at ODL, they will visit several labs, such as the Personal Robots Group, the Biomechatronics Group, the Design Lab, and the Center for Civic Media.

Join us to learn about their project on Monday May 20th from 9AM-12PM.

The public is also welcome to the open presentations to the team by artists Lara Baladi and Marissa Jahn on Tuesday May 21st from 1:30PM-4:30PM.

We will jam on masks, demons, participatory design and more. Come meet the Puppet. Snake. Mask. Devil. Robot.

PRISON X is supported by Create NSW, Tribeca and Sundance Talent Forum (The VR). La Diablita Robot is funded by United Notions Film and Fat VR. The workshop at Co-Creation Studio at MIT Open Documentary Lab, is funded by JustFilms at Ford Foundation.