06 Dec 12/10/24 May Abdalla

[Image Description: May Abdalla, a brown woman with long dark curly hair, smiles warmly at the camera. She is in a bright lit room with plants in the background.]
May Abdalla
Tuesday | December 10, 2024 | 12PM – 1:30PM ET
The Proof Is in the Pudding: Developing and Testing Immersive Experience to Create Impact
May Abdalla will chart the development of Anagram’s latest project Impulse – a mixed reality story about what it means to live with ADHD. She will explore the social and ethical challenges of using medical language and working in the health sector. What is the process needed to use immersive projects in ways that bring the most benefit to the lived experience community?
She will introduce their project Amorphous presently in early development and the test-based approach that uses a wide range of media (from potatoes in socks to mo-cap) to explore how VR could radically change our relationship with our bodies.
May Abdalla is a highly acclaimed director and artist known for blending physical experience, technology and storytelling in groundbreaking ways. Her previous work was screened by the BBC, Al Jazeera, and selected for Cannes’ Semaine de la Critique. She co-founded Anagram, a multi-award winning studio to explore the use of immersive technology in non-fiction storytelling, with projects presented at the Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia on four occasions. She was awarded the Grand Jury Award for Best VR in 2021, and the Venice Immersive Achievement Prize in 2024.