3/10/20 John Fitzgerald and Matthew Niederhauser

In conversation with:

John Fitzgerald and Matthew Niederhauser

Tuesday | March 10, 2020 | 12:00 – 1:30 PM

MIT Open Documentary Lab | E15-318

MIT Campus, Wiesner Building, 20 Ames Street, 3rd Floor, Cambridge MA 02142

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The Experiential Dynamics of Capturing Reality

This talk will survey the creative possibilities of emerging XR technologies and how they are shaping projects produced by Sensorium, an experiential studio based in New York. Sensorium draws from a diverse background of influences, including journalism, cinema, theater, and game design, to work with an expanded sense of experimentation that integrates concepts across both digital and physical spaces. Such a combined focus is now needed to to take immersive storytelling to new imaginative and communicative potentials.

John Fitzgerald is an artist, filmmaker, and cofounder of the experiential studio, Sensorium. Recent credits include: Co-creator, Metamorphic (Sundance ’20), Co-creator, Zikr: A Sufi Revival (Sundance ’18 & IDFA ‘18), Co-creator, objects in mirror AR closer than they appear (Tribeca ’18) and Producer, The Sky Is A Gap (Sundance ’17). John holds an honors degree from Brown University’s Department of Modern Culture and Media Studies. He was a Visiting Scholar at the MIT Media Lab’s Center for Advanced Urbanism, a Visiting Artist at the MIT CAST, and an inaugural member of NEW INC.

Matthew Niederhauser is an artist, photojournalist, and educator. He studied anthropology at Columbia University before earning his MFA in Interdisciplinary Art from SVA. He was then a Visiting Artist at MIT CAST and an inaugural member of NEW INC, where he cofounded Sensorium, an experiential studio working at the forefront of immersive storytelling. When not focusing on studio projects that have premiered at Sundance New Frontier, Tribeca Storyscapes, and IDFA DocLab, he also teaches at NYU Tisch’s ITP and Johns Hopkins’ ISET.