24 Dec 02/12/24 Jackson 2bears
![Visiting Artist Jackson 2bears Leween holding a brown clay mask up to cover his face. He is wearing a gray blazer.](http://opendoclab.mit.edu/wp/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/jackson-headshot-290x198.jpg)
Visiting Artist Jackson 2bears Leween holding a brown clay mask up to cover his face. He is wearing a gray blazer.
In conversation with:
Jackson 2bears
Monday | February 12, 2024 | 6PM – 7:30PM ET
Ne:Kahwistará:ken Kanónhsa’kówa í:se Onkwehonwe
MIT Co-Creation Studio Visiting artist Jackson 2bears also known as Tékeniyáhsen Ohkwá:ri, will present a lecture about Ne:Kahwistará:ken Kanónhsa’kówa í:se Onkwehonwe, a groundbreaking communal VR installation created in collaboration with 2RO MEDIA and produced at Thru The Red Door in Six Nations. This panoramic experience, which premiered at the 2RO MEDIA Festival, offers a vibrant reimagining of the Haudenosaunee Creation Story.
Jackson 2bears, also known as Tékeniyáhsen Ohkwá:ri, is a Kanien’kehaka (Mohawk) multimedia installation and performance artist as well as a cultural theorist hailing from Six Nations and Tyendinaga. Currently based in Lethbridge, Alberta, on Treaty 7, Blackfoot Territory, 2bears‘ research-creation pursuits are centered on Indigenous land-based histories and embodied cultural knowledge. His work explores the creative integration of digital technologies to foster innovation, transmission, expression, and transformation of FNMI (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) creative and cultural practices.
The lecture is part of Art, Culture and Technology’s Spring 2024 Lecture Series. In collaboration with the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST), and co-sponsored by MIT Native American and Indigenous Association (NAIA), MIT American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES), and Co-Creation Studio.
Learn more about the project and Jackson 2bears at MIT at arts.mit.edu/longhouse