The Global Mapping of Dreams by Pierre-Christophe Gam

A computer-generated image of African figures in white clothng seated at a yellow table in front of a colorful background.The Global Mapping of Dreams project by Pierre-Christophe Gam is an innovative investigation, which will use the framework of TOGUNA World, a Future-dreaming ritual hosted within a metaverse dream world, to drive an ambitious transcontinental conversation on the African future.


It will bring together some of the most innovative African (continent and diaspora) dreamers, thinkers and doers of our time, from the worlds of Art, design, technology, science, agriculture and religion to take part in a series of collective dreaming exercises to envision 5 ideal scenarios of community, food production, nature preservation, spirituality and economy. How will we Eat, Play, Dream, Love, Pray in the context of an ideal African future?


The findings will inform the creation of a webVR metaverse dream world within which visitors will be able to move using a VR headset, to experience a uniquely bold and ambitious vision of the African future, informed by the hopes and dreams of some of the most brilliant and innovative thinkers of our time. They will too be shared online on, augmented with thought-provoking essays, podcast conversations, bespoke Art and film designed to inspire and stimulate the mind of a new generation of dreamers into positive action.