COME/IN/DOC | Interactive Documentary Explosion of the Form [Part 4]

COME/IN/DOC | Interactive Documentary Explosion of the Form [Part 4]


Here you can access the fourth part of the second episode:

[vimeo width=”580″ height=”330″][/vimeo]


William Uricchio (MIT Open Documentary Lab): There’s exponential growth in this field. In addition, the TV industry needs a kind of place to experimental and documentary is always an easy place to experiment.

Paul Levinson (Fordham University): People like expressing themselves, people enjoy being part of the action and for the same reason that social networks appeared, interactive documentary appeared.

Jesse Shapins (Zeega): The form has grown dramatically over recent years because for the first time we have highband experiences, and video is another very important part in this process.

Caspar Sonnen (IDFA Doclab): An explosion would be a bad thing. I think there are two types of people interested in this type of documentary: the ones coming from traditional documentary fighting against traditional linear problems; and artists, who use new media because they don’t have the constraints of traditional newspapers, media, etc.

Kate Nash (University of Leeds): Since about 2008 and 2009 we’ve be seeing technical and social changes that have helped interactive documentary to flourish. The idea of participation is quite important and now it’s much easier to distribute video online.

Ersan Okan (Bilkent University): These times are demanding something, and everything is changing. It is not a kind of big explosion but it’s a very good pedagogical tool.

Matt Soar (Concordia University): The explosion has been possible thanks to the tools available and the fact that people outside have started to take interest in this form. Another important thing is the increasing highband and the software tools.

Vincent Morisset (AATOAA): The reason behind the explosion is that the tools are there and the band is faster today. At the beginning of 2000 we wanted to make interactive video, but it was not possible. The public is also growing in maturity…

Florian Thalhofer (Korsakow): Fifteen years ago we thought an explosion might happen in the near future, but it never did. I think that this rule-based narration will be the dominant form of narrating and discussing reality in the future. I have no idea how long it might take to change…maybe 50 or 500 years…

Guy Spriggs (Ramillas): I’m not sure about using the term explosion, there aren’t hundreds of i-docs produced each year, but there are new tools, festivals, etc. It will continue to grow…

Ferran Clavell (CCMA Interactiva): We are now in the middle of the explosion of the form but it’s a small world still. Maybe in the future it will be a good way to experiment. Nowadays there’s only a few companies in the world invested in interactive documentary.


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Dr. Arnau Gifreu
COME/IN/DOC Director
Research affiliate